Friday, June 19, 2009

Glory and Wisdom

Hey there, all.

I just wanted to send out a quick update. First off, I want to thank you all for joining us in prayer for my friends' son CJ who is now out of ICU!! After being in a drug induced coma and sedated for so long, he is having some withdrawal symptoms, but he is improving steadily every day. He is breathing on his own, his lungs have cleared up and hopefully he will be returning home in a few days. What ever you may believe, I want to give glory to God, not just for watching over CJ and bringing him back to health, but for giving grace to his mom and dad and little brother. I thank God we have not had to face a situation like that, but remember how we were carried through Lucas' time in the NICU. I can tell you for certain that we were not on our own strength, but God was/is more than strong enough to carry us through.

Regarding Lucas of late... He has been completely finished with the Banzel for a week and we have seen a drop in the number of seizures, for sure. It has been, I think, 5 days since he has been on the full dose of the Keppra XR. However, we have not seen a marked decrease as of yet. It is still early, but I believe we should already be seeing some difference. Two days ago he only had ~55, but yesterday it was ~85. This morning, in the first hour and 45 minutes he was up, he already had 42. He has not, however had but 3 more in the hour and 20 minutes since then (though I could have missed some).

If this is unsuccessful, we face two rather unfavorable options, Depakote or the Ketogenic Diet. My heart breaks seeing Lucas have so many seizures. Knowing how severely they may be holding him back is also upsetting. Though I have been sleeping recently (Thank You, God!!!), I discovered this morning that I am still quite emotionally exhausted. I found myself filled with a mournful agony as I held Lucas' hand with my left hand and his head with my right while he was stuck having seizure after seizure. I could not stop my tears. The love that I have for my son is beyond words and I so desperately desire that he be free. There seem to be risks with every option, risks that we hate to conceive ever becoming realities. I am asking that you please pray for us, that Marc and I would have the wisdom of God in our decision making. That we would do what is right for Lucas no matter what that means as far as adjusting our lives.

He needs me now so I am off to snuggle him. Thank you again for your faithfulness. I pray that you all know the joy that we have in God as you walk through your life today and every day and that you recognize the gifts that He so freely gives, in those around you as well as the provisions he supplies.

Blessings, love, thanks and joy!

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