Friday, June 26, 2009

Another Week

I talked with Dr. Burris (the neurologist) Monday morning and he said that though we had not yet seen a decrease in the number of seizures (sz) after the initial decrease when we stopped the Banzel (drug we started in February), if we give it another 7-10 days, we might yet. Since stopping the Banzel, the numbers have mostly been between 75-90 sz/day. Yesterday, I'm guessing they were down between 65-70. (I only actually witnessed around 50-55, but I allow for more when I'm not around, b/c I'm cutting the grass or polyurethaning a door, as was the case yesterday.)As of noon today he had had about 50. We'll see how the days go and I will let you know how things have progressed next week.

For now, he is napping and I need to sand and do a second coat of polyurethane on the door while he's out. Thank you all for your prayers. We know that we are entirely weak and worthless were it not for the strength and love of God. He carries us so gently through everything and we are forever grateful. His grace and mercy for us is beyond measure and we will eternally count ourselves blessed to know the Love of God through the life of Lucas and his wonderful joy (as well as in countless other wonders!).

Blessings to you all.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Esther I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I will keep you and the family in my prayers. This is Jill from Calvary by the way!!