Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can you hear me now?

Lucas has excellent hearing and has from the womb. He used to find Marc's voice when Marc would read to him, pray for him and talk to him. Lucas would respond by pushing against me directly on the other side of his daddy's face. It was so sweet, truly cherished moments. We would look forward to our bedtime routine which included these meetings of Father and Son. Lucas always had spot on accuracy though it sometimes took a few minutes to find his daddy.

The same is still true today. He knows Marc's voice and loves to hear him reading, praying, talking, singing, being goofy; he knows my voice too. Even now, with an ear infection, that's right, an ear infection, his hearing is impeccable.

I took Lucas in to the pediatrician's office yesterday afternoon and that was what we were told. He began his first of five days on antibiotics yesterday as well. I have still been sucking some rather unsavory shades of greenish-yellow from his cute little nose with nostrils reddened from all the attention. He slept fairly well last night in spite of the persistence of snot. He only woke twice, had some major saline and sucking times, nursed, and went back to sleep pretty well. I am also smothering myself in vapo so that he can get some good whiffs without having the tingles of it on his skin.

He ended up only having 2 sz yesterday and, so far, one today. I"m confident we will get back to fully resting and having No More Seizures!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

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