Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Standing Tall

Today Lucas had his experience in his new stander. A stander is just what it sounds like it would be; it helps you stand, like a walker helps support you when walking. We will have him about 10-15 minutes/day in it and then, as he gets stronger, we will increase his time spent in it. He did about 10 minutes in it today and hardly complained. Here are a few pictures and a few others we've taken this month so far.


August 2008


Mommy! said...

He looks so tall standing!

Xavier Bustamante said...

I'm so proud of you and your mommy and daddy. You do look so tall in your stander. If I were you I would ask for some toys to be attached to it so you can play while you stand. Multi-tasking is always a good thing!

You're always in my prayers
