Monday, February 4, 2008

Another surgery

So, after many questions, discussions and prayerful consideration, we have scheduled another surgery (Sx) for Lucas. It will be to correct the drifting of the left eye, though both eyes are actually adjusted in the procedure. We were told that since Lucas has CNS (central nervous system, ie his superhero brain) involvement, it is more likely that there will be subsequent Sx needed. This is due to the brain's response to the physical adjustment. It is very possible that there will be some resistance to the new positioning which would require additional adjusting. Research shows that earlier correction results in greater improvement, even if it is only the difference of a few months, due to the rapid development of the CNS. We, of course, prefer to have as few surgical procedures as possible for Lucas, as few experiences under general anesthesia, and are hopeful that we have chosen wisely. Having this Sx in March will allow for a second Sx, if needed, to be performed while under for his hypospadias follow up Sx which will liekly be the end of May/beginning of June. We will continue patching his right eye until the Sx and possibly after as well to motivate the brain to recognize the information that eye receives.

The primary effect of this correction is to allow for depth perception. The Sx and possible follow-up Sx as well as possible use of other tools should also help to prevent/eliminate double vision. We are also believing that his overall vision will be improved as it is true that one sees better with both eyes than with only one. It is only about a 45 minute procedure, but the anesthesia still takes a while to wear off so it will likely still be a long day. The typical recovery is speedy, and he should be ready for therapy again the following Tuesday.

We have some great pictures we've taken recently and will add them soon. For now, blessings and thanks for your love and prayers!

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