Sunday, March 10, 2013

Post-op Update

God is good, better than we could ask or imagine. My only real concern going into this surgery was Lucas' fasting. He doesn't do well not eating when he wants to eat, and he typically wants to eat. He did amazingly though, of course. He was a little grumpy when we moved him into the bed in our assigned room for the day, but I think that was more to do with his dislike of being pulled and labeled and examined. :) He did also scream pretty much the whole drive to the hospital, but that is still a pretty normal thing, crying in the car.

The surgery was on schedule. I was allowed to come back into the OR with him (which is a beautiful OR and got the nurse-on-hold in me a little itchy to do something nursey). I stayed until he was knocked out by the gas, kissed his handsome face and headed back to wait for news with Marc. They called part way through the surgery to tell us all was going well and Dr. Austin was in our room talking with us before one o'clock. He said that it went according to plan with no complications, but that he wants his to have a catheter in place for two weeks (not totally surprising) with a bag attached (that was unexpected). He wants to make sure that this will be the last surgery the sweet little guy will ever need on his sensitive parts, hence leaving the catheter in place for so long, and reduce the risk of infection, hence having the catheter empty into a bag instead of into his diaper where it can be infiltrated by nasties from the other side. I am totally supportive of this, I was just not prepared for it.

We will be laying low and staying home, pants-less (well, not all of us), for the next two weeks. Marc's mom found some tearaway/snap together pants for him that I should be able to get on and off him without much complication. With the catheter bag attached to him, pulling pants on and off is not something we are interested in doing. I am sure they will be getting some good use as I am trying to keep layers between his set up and  his grabbing hands.

I think he's doing pretty well thus far. I am planning to remove the dressing (bandage) tomorrow. We will be doing sponge baths only, but I doubt Lucas will mind that. He also won't be sitting anywhere with a central divider in the seat. We are hanging on the couch and in his bath chair (which I pulled into the living room). I am sleeping in his bed with him which is not the most comfortable for me, but is entirely doable for my sweet prince. He has given a quick tug here and there, including in his sleep and that has caused some major pain, but otherwise, he seems to be recovering all right.

This will put us back a little more on getting into the new house, but while I am here, I am going to try to get some cleaning and packing stuff done around here, at the 'regular house'. Speaking of which, I am going to try to get a little laundry folded and dinner started before Lucas wakes up. Once he wakes, I have to sit on him, actually just his feet, so he doesn't squirm injuriously and hold his hand so he doesn't grab.

Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us in faith.I will try to get out another update soon. to let you all know how the healing is progressing. Since I am going to be working to impress my tush into this couch, I'd say the odds are much better than usual that I will actually follow through with my good intentions. :)
Blessings and love!

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