Friday, March 8, 2013

Big day for the little guy (though he's a rather big little guy)

I should have posted this yesterday, but I forgot until I was comfortably in bed last night and I had no intention of rising again. I trust all who need to see this will see it.

The surgery to narrow the created urethra is scheduled for this morning at 1030. We were hoping that we might get to reschedule for the 19th so that he wouldn't miss any school (spring break begin the 18th), but that didn't happen. He will miss school today and return next week until Wednesday or Thursday, I am thinking. He will likely have a catheter in place for at least a week, so nurses will have to do all diaper changes, but they are wonderfully willing. (Thank you Angela and Stephanie!! We love you ladies!)

Lucas is not allowed to have anything after 700 this morning and he only gets water and apple juice slushie. (We put his medicine in the slushie, but he's not really into it like he would be if it was 90 degrees outside.) He woke at about 600, I think because he didn't want to be denied having some drinks. Now, at about 10 to 700, he is drifting back to sleep after having a big seizure.

I, honestly, feel absolutely no apprehension. I trust him completely in the care of his Maker and know that He loves Lucas more than I ever could. I imagine it also helps that we have been through this so many times before without issue. I do still ask that you join us in prayer, as trusting God does not mean neglecting to speak to Him about any and everything. We are praying, of course for the safe and skillful surgery, for all the staff who will be caring for him today, pre-op, in the OR and post-op. We are praying that he would be aware at all times of the Lord God Almighty's presence with him. (This is an every day, not just surgery day prayer.) We are praying that he would be alert and dancing and growing stronger and larger in spirit even while his mind and body are sedated. We are praying that he would not want for anything in the stretch of time between 700 and anesthesia when he is not allowed any intake. We are praying that Eliana has a great time with her cousins Thomas, Nate and baby Joshua while we are at the hospital. We are praying for a quick and beautiful recovery. Though we still ask, we ask in faith, believing that what we ask we will receive,  not like "The Secret", but because we know God and have tasted His goodness. We trust Him and believe what He has promised, that He loves Lucas more than the sparrows and will adorn him more magnificently than the most beautiful flower. This is true for all  of us, not just Lucas. We all do well to remember His love for us, undeserving (as love is not something that could ever be deserved), immeasurably abundant, merciful, self-sacrificing love.

700 has crept upon me and I need to wake the husband and get ready to go. Thank you all again for your love and support. You are all treasures in our lives.I will try to update either later today or tomorrow.
Blessings, beloveds!

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