Friday, April 18, 2008

All shook up

Lucas got to experience his first earthquake this morning. He woke early, seemingly in expectation, and was sure to be super loud so both myself and Marc would be awake for the event as well. It was a 5.4 hitting in southern Illinois. It gently shook our house for a few seconds and then it was gone. How very exciting, huh!?!

Lucas has also begun life as a Kipper. I would argue that he doesn't fit the definition according to Wikipedia, but at the YMCA, its a child 9-12 months old who participates in an intro to swimming and aquatics class. We are enrolled in a 7 week class and had our first this past Wednesday. I would not say that he loved it, even that he liked it, but he tolerated it well. Hopefully, he will be like the countless others who, by 4 weeks in, loves and looks forward to the 30 minute class. It seems that he will only have one classmate, a little girl just a week younger than him. She is adorable and her mom seems pretty great too. She is a pediatric nurse at Cardinal Glennon, the other major local children's hospital here in St. Louis.

Okay, right this minute, we just had an after shook, or maybe another quake, not sure which, but the whole house just shook again. Wow.

Lucas is doing great otherwise. I have a goal set that he will be sitting up on his own by his 1st birthday next month. We'll see if we can achieve it. He's getting stronger every day, and more vocal (if that even seems possible). He is closer to forming words and moving his mouth as though what he is saying should make sense to the rest of us. He has also begun discovering the joys of sticking out his tongue in different ways. Sometimes he looks like a snake tasting the air, sometimes like he's trying to make a chimpanzee face and sometimes he's just using for extra leverage in the spit spraying arena. I also predict he'll cut his 5th tooth by the end of the day tomorrow, if not today.

That's a glimpse into our exciting lives. I'm going to go play with him now, but hopefully will get some more pictures up later today so you can all see our handsome growing boy. :)

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