Friday, April 25, 2008

All is well

I love that I can share that everyone is doing great. Lucas remains well and is getting stronger and more amazing every day. His joy is overwhelming. I love it. I know I've said it before, but seriously, I have the greatest job in the world. It would be impossible, I think, to begrudge even a single moment in my days spent with my precious little love.

I wanted to share that Marc's cousin Alex had his brain surgery today and all went well. I don't know the specifics of his recovery, but as he came out of anesthesia, he was feeling well. I'll update later his continued improvement.

Also, You may remember (if you've read through all this blog) the story of little Abigail Grace Steer, the sweet baby girl whose room was down the hall from Lucas that first week at St. Louis Children's Hospital. She had a super-aggressive brain tumor and was sent home to die the same day Lucas was discharged home to heal. She has just stopped chemo and is doing fantastically! God is good! Feel free to check in on her website if you're interested. We greatly related with her family and their story is quite similar to ours. As much as it was a struggle for us to be at the hospital with our babies suffering, there was also a great comfort that we could take in each other.

Praying that you also are all well as you read this. Thank you for caring about our sweet little champion.

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