Friday, April 6, 2012

A little more sane today

Though not much right this instant as I am battling Eliana for the computer. :) I just wanted to say thank you for reading the rants of a(n occasional) lunatic. I haven't got time now to elaborate on anything, all the better perhaps, but wanted to let you all know that Lucas' MRI has been rescheduled to April 26th. It is a day Marc can attend with us and Lucas will not have to miss school. :) Thanks for all your offers and encouraging words, though I admit I have not read them all, but Marc conveyed some to me. Michelle- You are a darling! Thank you for your offer. I will not need the help Monday, but I will say that it has been too long since we've hung out. How silly that sedating my son would be the only worthwhile excuse to do it. We should remedy that- outside a hospital. :)

Off to baths and dinner and laundry and life, but leaving you with some more photos! There are more on the camera and a video or two, but Eliana is now screaming, so those will have to wait! :)

Oh! Also, Lucas is probably near 200 seizures again today. He was unfortunately awakened just after Five this morning by the flush of a toilet. When his sleep is off, we never know what we'll get, but typically expect more. He's been in great spirits though! He is an amazing child. Joy never ceases to swell within me when I am near him. :)

Enjoy the photos, I hope!

September 11 Memorial

Christmas 2011

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