Monday, February 13, 2012


Since the last post, we've begun a new med, well, actually, it's an old med. Lucas took this about three and a half years ago. It's called Keppra. We had great success with it until one hectic evening resulted in a missed dose. We had been down to 3 or fewer seizures/day, but the numbers flew up again that next day and we haven't had such consistent success since then. Dr. Burris feels like he is at a bit of a loss. We have been through all the drugs he's comfortable giving Lucas and we don't want to pursue the ketogeninc diet, not at this time anyway. We are, therefore revisiting Keppra and will be having a consulting appointment at the Epilepsy Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital. The appointment is not yet scheduled, but it won't be for at least two to three months. I guess they stay pretty busy.

Since stopping the Vimpat, the seizures have decreased significantly, but they are still far from under control. We just began the Keppra this past Saturday and will increase it again this coming Saturday. Two weeks after that, we will call Dr. Burris to check in. In the meantime, in spite of seizures, Lucas continues to be a beacon of joyful light reminding us of God's love and faithfulness.

Over the course of the past week I have heard the word "amazing" quite a lot. "Esther, you are so amazing." "You and Marc are such amazing parents." "The way you handle everything is amazing." I have known many of you for years and through significant struggles of your own. I know that your adventures might seem to differ from ours, but taking whatever adversity comes your way with love and grace and faith is not amazing. For me, it's like breathing. Apart from Amazing God, I am nothing and am certainly incapable of anything amazing. Because I know His love and rest in His grace and trust His mercy, life, even pain and unknowing, is good. I choose to see the amazing. That doesn't make me amazing, but it does keep me believing that this gift of life is amazing.

We continue to thank God for each of you and His amazing love we feel through you. Thank you for standing with us. I pray that your eyes are opened to see all the amazing around and running through you.
Blessings, friends. I'll try to update again before too long. We will work on getting our Christmas pictures together too for your viewing pleasure. :) I'm going to get back to my little loves now!

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