Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's all about perspective

Anyone who has spent much time with me might have observed that I drink a lot of water. I am pretty much always thirsty. Some people see a glass half empty and some half full. I see it as always refillable. As 2010 came to a close and 2011 began, Marc and I noticed that there were many complaints from individuals about how terrible 2010 was. Several people listed specific hardships/complaints. I consider this to be a waste of time, energy and life in general. I believe there is always more on the thankful list than the complaints list. Of course, if all I did was compose lists of complaints, that would leave a dwindling list of thanks. I choose the thanks, however, and am certain my life, my kids lives and anyone else I know is better off because of it. 2010 did come with some struggles, but it also came with great joy and it's the joy I choose to remember.

I don't know what all of you might have said about 2010, but I hope that as you look upon it, your eyes will be opened to the grace you experienced in spite of whatever struggle you may have faced. I also hope that as you look to 2011 and the years that follow, you look with the expectation of joy, even hidden in what might initially present as sorrowful times. For us, 2010 saw surgeries (for Lucas and me), a second child (yeah, Eliana!), Lucas beginning school, us trying (and failing) to sell our house, and many other things, wonderful and sometimes challenging things. 2011 will certainly be an adventure as well, filled with challenges and joys immeasurable. :)

There are many pictures to share and some videos, though the videos are not posted yet. The pictures include our visit to NY, just in time for the Christmas Blizzard and some since we've been back home. We hope you enjoy and we will get some videos posted soon too.

Blessings to you all. I pray you see the wonder in 2011 and have a happy Groundhog Day. (Yes, I realize it is already February.)This is one of those rare years in which he didn't see his shadow, so... whatever that means! :)

Christmas 2010

January 2011

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