Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lucas don't you go and cut your hair

Sometime last year, Lucas started saying words like "Da da" and "Ma ma". Not sure if he knew what he was saying, but at least it sounded like it. Then one day he stopped, and our feeling was that it was because of a medicine change. A few weeks ago, he started to get pretty noisy - which is just what he did before he started "talking" last year. So - we're hopeful that he might start saying words again. Here's a video clip of him being noisy last weekend

This week has been a rough one for Lucas (and Esther). On Wednesday morning Lucas came down with a fever. On Friday, he was screaming uncontrollably pretty much all day long, which we thought might indicate a shunt malfunction. Esther called the neurosurgeon, and they said to watch for projectile vomiting. But then on Saturday, he was fine. His sleep schedule is still pretty messed up, and Esther is trying to hold on to her sanity.

1 comment:

Xavier Bustamante said...

Xavier was in my lap when I watched the video and started screeching back at Lucas. He was pretty excited and it was pretty darn entertaining.