Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still here

So, the seizures (sz) are still here, but it's difficult to determine exactly why - being that stopping the Klonopin can cause sz and also, I was in a wedding on the 4th and in the midst of all the chaos we missed a dose of meds for Lucas. This could effect the sz for a while too. As of this Tuesday, we have adjusted the dose of the Keppra once again. We are now spreading the dose a little more and he is getting 4mL in the morning, 3mL in the afternoon and 4mL in the evening. (He had been having two doses of 5 mL - one in the morning and one in the evening.) We will feel this out for two weeks and then check in again. We return to see Dr. Burris on the 29th and hope it to be a boring check up with no sz activity and, perhaps, a clear for scheduling surgery.

We'll keep you posted. In the mean time, enjoy the pics and video. I am off to put Lucas to bed.


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