Friday, May 30, 2008

EEGs Over Easy

Hopefully, anyway. That's how I like them. I would prefer to not have them at all, but if we have to, then that's the way to go.

I noticed last Wednesday, but wasn't sure I was noticing anything. Thursday I was sure I saw something, but no one else (even the pediatrician while examining him for his 12 month check) seemed to notice. He was super irritable, more than he's ever been Thursday and Friday from the shots he got at the doctor's office. When he had ibuprofen in his system, I didn't seem to notice so much, so I continued to brush it off. Over the weekend, however I noticed more and finally said something to Marc to see if he could spot anything. Sure enough, he did. Seizures.

I called the neurologist and explained what we are witnessing: super brief flashes of uncontrolled movement. A quick turn of the head to the left, maybe a right leg or arm movement to coincide, only lasting less than 4 seconds. Almost before there's a sign to look, there's nothing to see.

It mostly seems to occur after waking, immediately and up to 30 minutes after. There have been, however, some that happen at other, random points, while crying, playing, maybe tired, but having been awake for some time. Dr. Burris, Lucas' neurologist thinks that he might be having a new kind of seizure. If it is what he is thinking it might be, then the medication Lucas takes to prevent seizures needs to be changed because it is ineffective.

Monday, the 2nd of June, we will go in to Dr. Burris' office for an EEG. After attaching all the sensors, Lucas will need to sleep for a while. Then he will be awakened and likely stimulated with flashing lights, strobe style. When the EEG is complete, we will meet with Dr. Burris and discuss the results and where to go from here.

Please join us in praying for the test to go over easy, for Lucas' sleeping/napping to work well with what is needed for the test. Also, Lucas' hypospadias follow up/strabismus (lazy eye) corrective surgery is scheduled for June 27th. The last time we had a surgery scheduled for his eyes, it was canceled by the anesthesiologist because he was having "uncontrolled" seizures. If we do not get things "under control" by June 26th, the surgery will likely be canceled again. We would really prefer this not be the case. We have 2 different doctors' schedules to coordinate for the surgery so Lucas only has to be put under once, and we feel like this is a good time.

God's will be done. We know He has Lucas' best interest in mind and we trust Him, but He still says to ask. As little children without hesitation ask their daddy for things, so are we to ask of Him.

We'll keep you posted.

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