Sunday, October 21, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Though we haven't been to market to buy a fat hog, we have been back to the hospital. This morning, as I was about to give Lucas his medicine, he had another seizure. It lasted over 5 minutes, so we called the EMS, as we'd been instructed to do. Pretty immediately after they arrived, the seizure stopped on it's own. It lasted about 10 minutes total. (Yes, EMS arrived that fast!)

About 40 minutes after it stopped (and maybe 15 after the paramedics left), he began seizing again. We happened to be on the phone with a neurologist when it began and she said if it lasted more than 10 minutes, call 911 again and come to the ER at Children's. It did, so we did.

He was behaving as his normal self, not at all "out of it". He even demanded to be fed in the ambulance. (During his seizure last week his disinterest in eating was my biggest clue something was really wrong.) He was laughing and chatting and wiggling and eating like normal. He was just also clenching his fist uncontrollably.

Part way through eating and about halfway to the hospital, the seizure stopped. We then had several hours in a small room in the ER in which Lucas endured 2 IV attempts and a heel stick for blood tests. He also had a CT scan. All results came back satisfactorily and we were released to go home with a Rx for a med to give if he should have another seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes.

It's not so good that he had 2 more seizures today, but it is good that they both stopped on their own and he wasn't at all "out of it". His schedule is a little thrown, understandably, but we are all relieved to be back home. :)

We follow up with his neurosurgeon, Dr. Leonard, this Thursday about the fluid build up btwn the brain and lining of the brain that they found on his last CT scan. Oh! He also had his shots last Monday and I gave him the first of his 2 prep shots of testosterone for his hypospadias surgery and he, no surprise, was a champ for it all. :)

Blessings to you all. We thrive on your prayers and love.
Esther, Marc and Lucas


Xavier Bustamante said...

I don't know how you two do it. Well yes I do know how you two do it. Your making it through this all is an absolute testimony to God's strenght.

I love you both and little Lucas


Andrew said...

Just now caught up on all Oct blogs... it's been so crazy here. I'll get to praying for you guys and against these seizures!


*eRiCa*AH said...

Your ability to react to these stressful events is remarkable. Thanks for the updates; we continue to pray for his health and yours. Love, E