Today we saw the neurologist (Dr. Burris) again for our regular appointment. (We go every 3-4 months.) For the past year or two, most appointments are the same; we talk about seizure numbers, medicine effects, possible other medicine options (when appropriate), and the possibility of scheduling the surgery that would correct Lucas' drifting left eye. The surgery was scheduled almost 2 years ago, but was canceled by the anesthesiologist the day before due to his concern about Lucas' seizures. Dr. Burris gave the okay, but not in enough time. (They did not give him much time to return their call before they pulled the plug.) Today, however, Dr Burris said "Go ahead!" As soon as I could call the ophthalmologist's office I did. :)
There is another procedure that Lucas is to have as well that is performed by another doctor. When Lucas had his hypospadias correction, a little hole formed along the suture line and the urologist, Dr. Austin, wants to close that up. Currently, Lucas pees from two holes. Kind of cool, but not the kind of cool you want forever. The nurse from Dr Lueder's office (ophthalmology) and the nurse from Dr. Austin's office made several phone calls back and forth and to me in between trying to schedule as soon as possible without interfering with Baby Peanut's birth or our trip to NYC for Marc's sister's wedding. They pulled some strings and we are a go for surgery June 14th!!! I am super pumped about this. Marc, the worrier in the family, is concerned the stress of Lucas' surgery will encourage me to go into labor 10 days early, but I reminded him that he is the worrier and I will be fine. It is an out patient procedure and he should be all healed and fine and fabulous with eyes aligned for his role as ring bearer. :)
I am also excited about this because I have been hopeful that we could get it done before he begins preschool in the fall. We had his Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting this past Friday. We met with the team of people who will be supporting him through the school year, should we stay in this school district. The team includes the classroom teacher, all the therapists (new ones, not the ones he's had so far) and the school nurse. They were all lovely and I feel that I can trust them with Lucas' care for three hours a day, four days a week. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know Lucas' needs a bit better (he had several observations/evaluations previous to the meeting) and to set achievable goals for the school year. One is that he stand unassisted for 2-5 seconds two out of four days in a week. Another is that he pick up and drink from his cup on his own. There are many others. All of them , I think will be great and I hope will be achieved before the end of the school year.
As far as where we will be in the coming school year, that has yet to be determined. We have looked at a few houses and our house has been viewed a few times, but so far no bells or whistles sounding on either front. The tax credit is scheduled to expire the end of business tomorrow. We have not decided what we will do, stay on the market and keep eagerly looking or pull off and settle in at least until after the Peanut arrives. Nothing more really to say about that now, but we will let you know if anything moves there. :)
I need to get to dinner now. We have a few photos to post, and hopefully more will be coming next week, perhaps along with some exciting video of another giant progression Lucas is beginning to make. I would write about it now, but instead I am going to get to food preparation. I think my family will appreciate that and you all can chew on this exciting bit for now, with growing anticipation of more in the near future. :)
Blessings and love to you all!
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April 2010 |